I got a security alert of my GitPage (this one) today. It was because the dependencies of my site were out of date which might cause some security issues.

I’m not sure if my workaround is the best practice, but it worked so I just put it here.

First I installed Bundler in my computer, then I cd into the directory of my gitpage and run bundle update. I encountered some issues of lacking header files when updating dependencies so that make sure you have ruby-dev (or ruby-devel, depend on your OS) installed.

Running bundle exec jekyll serve to test your website before pushing it to GitHub is highly recommended. I encountered some issues which nested in bundle directory where I installed ruby plugins. Those “issues” are usually date format in example project or symbolic links issues of plugins themselves which don’t affect my project so we can simply add exclude: [vendor] (vendor here can be changed, depends on your directory which contains the bundle and plugins files) in _config.yml.


Student, programmer.